National AIDS Housing Coalition
The National AIDS Housing Coalition (NAHC) is the only national organization that focuses exclusively on the housing needs of people living with HIV/AIDS and other vulnerable people in our society. NAHC envisions an international community where housing is a human right and HIV disease ends and every person with HIV/AIDS has quality, affordable, and appropriate housing. It is clear that housing improves health outcomes of those living with HIV disease and reduces the number of new HIV infections. The end of HIV/AIDS critically depends on an end to poverty, stigma, housing instability, and homelessness.
About the National AIDS Housing Coalition
NAHC is a 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1993. Since its formation, its coalition of national and community-based organizations and individuals provides strong advocacy, representation, and training for thousands of consumers, community leaders, and social service/health providers.
As a membership-focused organization, NAHC maintains a presence in more than half the states and Canada. NAHC understands that providing a network for communities to share and collaborate about information that is relevant to their jurisdiction is an integral component of the advocacy and research efforts conducted on a national, state, and local level.
NAHC has developed a Toolkit to help advocates inform national and local resource allocation, planning, and prevention and health care practice through the use of tools and strategies that employ research findings to demonstrate the link between housing and health for persons at risk of or living with HIV/AIDS.
NAHC Resources
Updates on current housing and HIV/AIDS related news, action alerts, newsletters or join our e-mail list.
Tools developed by NAHC to help advocates inform national and local resource allocation, planning, and prevention and health care practice.
NAHC supports a variety of policy initiatives and legislative proposals benefiting persons living with HIV/AIDS and other vulnerable populations, e.g., HOPWA, National Housing Trust Fund, Ryan White Care Act.
International AIDS Housing Roundtable (IAHR)
IAHR is a forum for discussion of issues pertaining to housing instability and HIV and the provision of appropriate housing for people living with HIV and AIDS.
NAHC Publication
NAHC and IAHR's first publication, "More Than Just a Roof Over My Head: Housing for People Living With HIV/AIDS Around the World," a report examining the relationship between HIV/AIDS and housing instability in 17 communities across the globe.
NHAS White House Consultation Recommendations on Housing and HIV/AIDS
December 17, 2009 recommendations from White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) consultation to inform the role of housing in HIV prevention and health care for the development of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS).
How to Reach National AIDS Housing Coalition
Lola Adele-Oso
727 15th Street NW, 11th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
Tel.: 1.202.347.0333
Fax: 1.202.347.3411