International Foundation for Alternative Research in AIDS

IFARA's mission is to broaden the possibilities of treatment, treatment access and the knowledge of treatments to all people who live with HIV/AIDS as well as other associated life-threatening diseases or conditions.

IFARA will accomplish its mission by:

  • fostering research in the field of HIV/AIDS which may improve the immune system, directly and/or indirectly fight the HIV virus with both allopathic and complementary treatments or devices.

  • by providing treatment information though multiple forms of media for both the affected and infected communities.

  • by creating a balance in IFARA's treatment information, education and advocacy for all communities of color, life-style and culture.

  • by advocating for access to all forms of treatment and prevention for all individuals in need.

  • by producing both non-accredited and accredited CME and CEU treatment education programs in co-sponsorship with certifying accrediting organizations, utilizing multimedia forms of programming.

For more information about IFARA, visit the organization's official Web site or send an e-mail to
