AIDS Action Img

AIDS Action

AIDS Action has been instrumental in the development and implementation of major public health policies that improve the quality of life for those living with HIV/AIDS and that ensures evidence based prevention programs to stop the spread of new infections.

In 1984, three years after the first reported AIDS cases, lawmakers remained silent as AIDS became national epidemic. Alarmed by the federal government's lack of action, a handful of the nation's community-based AIDS service organizations came together to create a united voice to educate and engage our elected officials. AIDS Action was created to forge a coordinated national response to AIDS and to ensure that our federal government responded. Our successes have been many including the passage of the Ryan While Care Act in 1990 and its subsequent reauthorizations.

On Jan. 1, 2011, AIDS Action and the National AIDS Fund merged to create a stronger national organization in the fight against HIV/AIDS, called AIDS United.

AIDS United
1424 K Street, N.W., Suite 200
Washington, DC 20005

Phone: 202.408.4848
Fax: 202.408.1818