The CATIE Ordering Centre offers hundreds of free HIV and hepatitis C resources and tools from organizations across Canada, for use by people living with HIV and/or hepatitis C and their caregivers, healthcare providers, AIDS service organizations and related front-line organizations across Canada. Here is a selection of new prevention resources, which you may find useful.

HIV/AIDS Epi Updates, July 2010

HIV/AIDS Epi Updates, July 2010

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), 2010

The primary objective of the PHAC Epi Update publication is to provide up-to-date information on trends and developments in the epidemiology of HIV and associated risk behaviours in Canada. Prior to 2007, the Epi Update was published on an annual basis. A new approach has been developed, specifically, a staggered approach to publication of the chapters. Each chapter will now be published as a stand-alone document that will be updated in the future as new epidemiologic data become available. In 2010, the following chapters were updated and published as stand-alone booklets:
Chapter 1: National HIV Prevalence and Incidence Estimates in Canada for 2008
Chapter 2: Undiagnosed HIV Infections in Canada
Chapter 3: HIV Testing and Surveillance Systems in Canada
Chapter 4: HIV/AIDS Among Youth in Canada
Chapter 5: HIV/AIDS Among Women in Canada
Chapter 6: HIV/AIDS Among Older Canadians
Chapter 7: Perinatal HIV Transmission in Canada
Chapter 8: HIV/AIDS Among Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
Chapter 9: HIV/AIDS Among Gay, Bisexual and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men in Canada
Chapter 10: HIV/AIDS Among People Who Inject Drugs in Canada
Chapter 11: HIV Strain Surveillance in Canada
Chapter 12: Primary HIV Antiretroviral Drug Resistance in Canada

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New Directions in Gay Men's Health and HIV Prevention in Canada: Pan-Canadian Deliberative Dialogue Report, 2010

New Directions in Gay Men's Health and HIV Prevention in Canada: Pan-Canadian Deliberative Dialogue Report, 2010

CATIE, 2010

There is a growing movement in Canada and elsewhere to re-frame HIV prevention among gay men in the more holistic context of their health and well-being rather than focusing solely on their HIV status and safer sex practices. A one-day satellite conference preceding the Canadian HIV/AIDS Skills Building Symposium: Leading Together in March 2010 brought together 40 community programmers, policy makers and researchers involved in gay men's health and HIV initiatives across the country to discuss this new direction. This report documents their deliberations and recommendations for future directions.

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New prevention technologies and vaccine development -- Report: satellite meeting Montreal March 4, 2010

New Prevention Technologies and Vaccine Development -- Report: Satellite Meeting Montreal March 4, 2010

Canadian AIDS Society (CAS), 2010

Summary of the March 4 meeting on HIV vaccine preparedness and new HIV prevention technologies co-organized by the Canadian AIDS Society, the Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange and the Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development and the Coalition des organismes communautaires québecois de lutte contre le sida, this report highlights presentations on the existing research landscape, including vaccine social research, trial results and lessons learned, current developments in new prevention technologies, the Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative, current projects, outreach and public awareness efforts and an outline of next steps.

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Enhancing Capacity to Provide Services for People Who Use Substances: A Needs and Assets Assessment

Enhancing Capacity to Provide Services for People Who Use Substances: A Needs and Assets Assessment

Canadian AIDS Society (CAS), 2010

This bilingual publication, which is a follow-up report to 2008's Learning from Each Other, explores the perspective of those who provide services to people who use substances. The document summarizes the results of findings from a community-based, multi-phased assessment of the needs and assets of the Canadian AIDS Society's member organizations with respect to providing services for people who use substances. It identifies the effective and challenging aspects of their work and shares the successes and lessons of experienced practitioners in the field of harm reduction.

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HIV/AIDS policy & law review 14(3), June 2010

HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Review 14(3), June 2010

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network (CHLN), 2010

Providing analysis and summaries of current developments in HIV/AIDS-related policy and law, the HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Review promotes education and the exchange of information, ideas, and experiences from an international perspective.

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Knowledge Is Our Best Defence: An HIV/AIDS Education Resource for Canadian Schools-Provincial Curricula Outlines

Knowledge Is Our Best Defence: An HIV/AIDS Education Resource for Canadian Schools-Provincial Curricula Outlines

Canadian AIDS Society (CAS), 2010

Knowledge Is Our Best Defence: An HIV/AIDS Education Resource for Canadian Schools is a two-part educational resource on HIV/AIDS for Canadian educators, and is suitable for students from Kindergarten through Grade 12. It was developed in response to a national survey conducted by the Canadian AIDS Society that found overwhelming support for the provision of HIV/AIDS education in schools. The first half of the document, Provincial Curricula Outlines, reviews all provincial and territorial educational guidelines and key provincial resources to teach about HIV/AIDS. Outlining each individual province's curriculum, it highlights key learning outcomes related to sexual health and HIV education and related topics.

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Knowledge Is Our Best Defence: An HIV/AIDS Education Resource for Canadian Schools-Teacher Resources

Knowledge Is Our Best Defence: An HIV/AIDS Education Resource for Canadian Schools-Teacher Resources

Canadian AIDS Society (CAS), 2010

The Teacher Resources component of Knowledge Is Our Best Defence: An HIV/AIDS Education Resource for Canadian Schools provides important background information on HIV-related topics, including transmission, prevention, new prevention technologies, HIV testing, HIV and the immune system, treatment, stigma and discrimination and the national and international scopes of the epidemic. The document also directs educators to key websites and teaching resources, including proven lesson plans used in other jurisdictions.

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Put On Something Sexy Condom Flipbook

Put on Something Sexy Condom Flipbook

Chee Mamuk Aboriginal Program, BC Centre for Disease Control, 2010

Flipping fun -- a pocket-sized flip book that models condom use.

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Patrick's Wish

Patrick's Wish

Patrick 4 Life, 2010

Patrick's Wish, a picture book of photographs and text, tells the fascinating story of this boy who embraced life and laughter until his last day. Patrick had a wish: to raise HIV and AIDS awareness and to find a cure. This compelling story of his life is aimed at making his wish come true by educating a generation of children to understand HIV and AIDS by personally connecting with a real-life Canadian boy who was infected with HIV at the age of 7.

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Hepatitis C: Get the facts. You can have it and not know it/Hépatite C: informez-vous. Vous pouvez l'avoir sans le savoir

Hepatitis C: Get the Facts -- You Can Have It and Not Know It/Hépatite C: Informez-Vous -- Vous Pouvez l'Avoir Sans le Savoir

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), 2009

Hepatitis C is a chronic liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). This bilingual pamphlet covers basic information on hepatitis C, including risk factors, testing, and prevention.

L'hépatite C est une maladie chronique du foie causée par le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC). Ce dépliant bilingue présente des renseignements de base sur l'hépatite C, dont les facteurs de risque, le dépistage et la prévention.

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Hepatitis B: Get the facts. You can have it and not know it. / Hépatite B: informez-vous. Vous pouvez l'avoir sans le savoir.

Hepatitis B: Get the Facts -- You Can Have It and Not Know It/Hépatite B: Informez-Vous -- Vous Pouvez l'Avoir Sans le Savoir

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), 2009

Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It can be prevented by a vaccine. This bilingual pamphlet covers basic information on hepatitis B, including risk factors, symptoms, and prevention.

L'hépatite B est une maladie du foie causée par le virus de l'hépatite B (VHB). Elles peut être prévenue par un vaccin. Ce dépliant bilingue présente des renseignements de base sur l'hépatite B, dont les facteurs de risque, les symptômes et la prévention.

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This article was originally published January 1, 2011 and most recently updated April 1, 2011.
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