Transcript (.pdf)
For more information on this session, including access to speaker presentations, please see the conference Programme-at-a-Glance.
The success of highly active antiretroviral therapy, HAART, has been evident for 15 years. Such long-term therapy can have complications though, especially when compounded by co-morbid conditions such as ageing and smoking. In recent years studies have shown that avoiding or switching from thymidine analogues can prevent or reduce complications, though such drugs are still commonly prescribed globally. More recent problems such as cardiovascular risk, bone and renal disease are now becoming a focus for treatment decisions. With a movement to start treatment earlier at higher CD4 counts, the lifelong risks of complications are yet to be determined. Allowing HIV to go untreated, even at relatively high CD4 counts, is also not without problems. HIV is thought to induce a state of long-term inflammation, which may lead to cardiovascular events, renal and hepatic complications and tumors. This panel will explore the problem of complications of HAART and the need to treat early.
Presentations in This Session:
Bones of Contention: HIV and Bone Disease
Paddy Mallon (Ireland)
School of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
University College Dublin, Ireland
HAART to Heart: HIV and Cardiovascular Disease
Georg Behrens (Germany)
Clinic for Immunology and Rheumatology
Hannover Medical School, Germany
Kidney Conundrums: HIV and Renal Disease
Mohamed Atta (United States)
Johns Hopkins
Out of Sight Out of Mind: Brain Impairment/Dementia and HIV
Victor Valcour (United States)
Associate Professor, Memory and Aging Center
University of California -- San Francisco
Questions and Answers
The Double-Edged Sword: Long-Term Complications of ART and HIV (.mp3)