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Slide 1 AIDS Trends
Slide 2 AIDS Diagnoses, Deaths, and Persons Living with AIDS, 1985-2009 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 3 AIDS Diagnoses and Deaths of Adults and Adolescents with AIDS, 1985-2009 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 4 AIDS Diagnoses among Adults and Adolescents, by Race/Ethnicity, 1985-2010 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 5 AIDS Diagnoses among Adults and Adolescents, by Race/Ethnicity 1985-2010 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 6 Deaths of Adults and Adolescents with AIDS, by Race/Ethnicity, 1985-2009 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 7 Deaths of Adults and Adolescents with AIDS, by Race/Ethnicity, 1985-2009 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 8 AIDS Diagnoses and Deaths of Persons with AIDS, with HIV infection Attributed to Male-to-Male Sexual Contact, 1985-2009 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 9 AIDS Diagnoses among Persons with HIV Infection Attributed to Male-to-Male Sexual Contact, by Race/Ethnicity, 1985-2010 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 10 AIDS Diagnoses among Persons with HIV Infection Attributed to Male-to-Male Sexual Contact, by Race/Ethnicity, 1985-2010 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 11 AIDS Diagnoses and Deaths of Persons with AIDS, with HIV Infection Attributed to Injection Drug Use, 1985-2009 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 12 AIDS Diagnoses and Deaths of Persons with AIDS, with HIV Infection Attributed to Heterosexual Contact, 1985-2009 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 13 AIDS Diagnoses and Deaths of Persons with AIDS, with HIV Infection Attributed to Male-to-Male Sexual Contact and Injection Drug Use, 1985-2009 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 14 AIDS Diagnoses among Adult and Adolescent Females, with HIV Infection Attributed to Heterosexual Contact, by Race/Ethnicity, 1985-2010 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 15 Deaths of Adult and Adolescent Females with AIDS, with HIV Infection Attributed to Heterosexual Contact, by Race/Ethnicity, 1985-2009 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 16 Adults and Adolescents Living with an AIDS Diagnosis, by Transmission Category, 1985-2009 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 17 Adult and Adolescent Males Living with an AIDS Diagnosis, by Transmission Category, 1985-2009 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 18 Adult and Adolescent Females Living with an AIDS Diagnosis, by Transmission Category, 1985-2009 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
Slide 19 AIDS Diagnoses among Perinatally Infected Persons, 1985-2010 United States and 6 U.S. Dependent Areas
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